Integrating ZAbi
Zig Package Manager
In the build.zig.zon
file, add the following to the dependencies object.
.zabi = .{
.url = "",
The compiler will produce a hash mismatch error, add the .hash
field to build.zig.zon
with the hash the compiler tells you it found.
You can also use zig fetch
to automatically do the above steps.
zig fetch --save
zig fetch --save git+
Then in your build.zig
file add the following to the exe
section for the executable where you wish to have zabi
const zabi_module = b.dependency("zabi", .{}).module("zabi");
// for exe, lib, tests, etc.
exe.root_module.addImport("zabi", zabi_module);
Now in the code, you can import components like this:
const zabi = @import("zabi");
const meta = zabi.meta;
const encoder = zabi.encoder;
Zabi is a modular library meaning that you can import separete modules if you just need some components of zabi.
const zabi = b.dependency("zabi", .{});
// for exe, lib, tests, etc.
exe.root_module.addImport("zabi-evm", zabi.module("zabi-evm"));
Now in the code, you can import components like this:
const zabi_evm = @import("zabi-evm");
Currently these are all of the modules available for you to use in zabi
- zabi -> contains all modules.
- zabi-abi -> contains all abi types and eip712.
- zabi-ast -> contains a solidity tokenizer, parser and Ast.
- zabi-clients -> contains all supported RPC clients and a block explorer clients. Also include a multicall clients as well as the wallet and contract client.
- zabi-crypto -> contains the signer used in zabi as well BIP32 and BIP39
- zabi-decoding -> contains all decoding methods supported.
- zabi-encoding -> contains all encoding methods supported.
- zabi-ens -> contains a custom ens client and utils.
- zabi-evm -> contains the EVM interpreter.
- zabi-human -> contains a custom human readable abi parser.
- zabi-meta -> contains all of the meta programming utils used in zabi.
- zabi-op-stack -> contains custom op-stack clients and utils.
- zabi-types -> contains all of the types used in zabi.
- zabi-utils -> contains all of the utils used in zabi as well as the custom cli parser data generator.