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Union of all possible member of the contract ABI specification

const zabi = @import("zabi");
const AbiItem = zabi.abi.AbiItem;
// Internal representation
const AbiItem = union(enum) {
    abiFunction: Function,
    abiEvent: Event,
    abiError: Error,
    abiConstructor: Constructor,
    abiFallback: Fallback,
    abiReceive: Receive,


Format any of the abi struct signatures into a human readable format. This is a custom format method that will override all call from the std to format methods

const std = @import("std");
const AbiItem = @import("zabi").abi.AbiItem;
const abi_item: AbiItem = .{ .abiConstructor = .{
    .type = .constructor, 
    .inputs = &.{
        .{ .type = .{ .bool = {} }, .name = "foo"}, 
        .{ .type = .{ .string = {} }, .name = "bar" } 
    .stateMutability = .nonpayable,
std.debug.print("{s}", .{abi_item});
// Outputs
// constructor(bool foo, string bar)


This is a const slice of AbiItem. All of the above applies