Set of possible errors while performing logs decoding.
Allocator.Error || error{ InvalidLength, UnexpectedTupleFieldType, ExpectedAllocator }
Set of possible errors while performing logs decoding.
Allocator.Error || error{ExpectedAllocator}
Set of options that can alter the decoder behaviour.
struct {
/// Optional allocation in the case that you want to create a pointer
/// That pointer must be destroyed later.
allocator: ?Allocator = null
/// Tells the endianess of the bytes that you want to decode
/// Addresses are encoded in big endian and bytes1..32 are encoded in little endian.
/// There might be some cases where you will need to decode a bytes20 and address at the same time.
/// Since they can represent the same type it's advised to decode the address as `u160` and change this value to `little`.
/// since it already decodes as big-endian and then `std.mem.writeInt` the value to the expected endianess.
bytes_endian: Endian = .big
Decodes the abi encoded slice. This will ensure that the provided type is always a tuple struct type and that the first member type is a [32]u8 type. No allocations are made unless you want to create a pointer type and provide the optional allocator.
Example:const encodeds = try decodeLogs(
struct { [32]u8 },
&.{try utils.hashToBytes("0x406dade31f7ae4b5dbc276258c28dde5ae6d5c2773c5745802c493a2360e55e0")},
pub fn decodeLogs(comptime T: type, encoded: []const ?Hash, options: LogDecoderOptions) LogsDecoderErrors!T
Decodes the abi encoded bytes. Not all types are supported. Bellow there is a list of supported types.
Supported: - Bool, Int, Optional, Arrays, Pointer.
For Arrays only u8 child types are supported and must be 32 or lower of length.
For Pointer types the pointers on One
size are supported. All other are unsupported.
const decoded = try decodeLog(u256, try utils.hashToBytes("0x406dade31f7ae4b5dbc276258c28dde5ae6d5c2773c5745802c493a2360e55e0"), .{});
pub fn decodeLog(comptime T: type, encoded: Hash, options: LogDecoderOptions) LogDecoderErrors!T