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The json response from a etherscan like explorer


pub fn ExplorerResponse(comptime T: type) type



pub fn deinit(self: @This()) void



pub fn fromJson(arena: *ArenaAllocator, value: T) @This()


The json success response from a etherscan like explorer


pub fn ExplorerSuccessResponse(comptime T: type) type



pub fn jsonParse(allocator: Allocator, source: anytype, options: ParseOptions) ParseError(@TypeOf(source.*))!@This()



pub fn jsonParseFromValue(allocator: Allocator, source: Value, options: ParseOptions) ParseFromValueError!@This()



pub fn jsonStringify(self: @This(), writer_stream: anytype) @TypeOf(writer_stream.*).Error!void


The json error response from a etherscan like explorer


struct {
  status: u1 = 0
  message: []const u8
  result: []const u8


The response represented as a union of possible responses. Returns the @error field from json parsing in case the message is NOK.


pub fn ExplorerRequestResponse(comptime T: type) type


Set of predefined block explorer endpoints. For now these must have support for TLS v1.3 This only supports etherscan like block explorers.


union(enum) {
  /// Assign it null if you would like to set the default endpoint value.
  arbitrum: ?[]const u8
  /// Assign it null if you would like to set the default endpoint value.
  arbitrum_sepolia: ?[]const u8
  /// Assign it null if you would like to set the default endpoint value.
  base: ?[]const u8
  /// Assign it null if you would like to set the default endpoint value.
  bsc: ?[]const u8
  /// Currently doesn't support tls v1.3 so it won't work until
  /// zig gets support for tls v1.2
  /// Assign it null if you would like to set the default endpoint value.
  ethereum: ?[]const u8
  /// Assign it null if you would like to set the default endpoint value.
  fantom: ?[]const u8
  /// Assign it null if you would like to set the default endpoint value.
  localhost: ?[]const u8
  /// Assign it null if you would like to set the default endpoint value.
  moonbeam: ?[]const u8
  /// Assign it null if you would like to set the default endpoint value.
  optimism: ?[]const u8
  /// Assign it null if you would like to set the default endpoint value.
  polygon: ?[]const u8
  /// Assign it null if you would like to set the default endpoint value.
  sepolia: ?[]const u8


Gets the associated endpoint or the default one.


pub fn getEndpoint(self: @This()) []const u8


Result from the api call of getMultiAddressBalance


struct {
  /// The address of the account.
  account: Address
  /// The balance of the account.
  balance: u256


Token transaction represented by a etherscan like client.


struct {
  /// The block number where the transaction was mined
  blockNumber: u64
  /// The time when the transaction was commited.
  timeStamp: u64
  /// The transaction hash
  hash: Hash
  /// The transaction nonce.
  nonce: u64
  /// The blockHash this transaction was mined.
  blockHash: Hash
  /// The sender of this transaction
  from: Address
  /// The contract address in case it exists.
  contractAddress: Address
  /// The target address.
  to: Address
  /// The value sent. Only used for erc20 tokens.
  value: ?u256 = null
  /// The token Id. Only used for erc721 and erc1155 tokens.
  tokenId: ?u256 = null
  /// The token name.
  tokenName: []const u8
  /// The token symbol.
  tokenSymbol: []const u8
  /// The token decimal. Only used for erc20 and erc721 tokens.
  tokenDecimal: ?u8 = null
  /// The index of this transaction on the mempool
  transactionIndex: usize
  /// The gas limit of the transaction
  gas: u64
  /// The gas price of this transaction.
  gasPrice: u64
  /// The gas used by the transaction.
  gasUsed: u64
  /// The cumulative gas used by the transaction.
  cumulativeGasUsed: u64
  /// Input field that has been deprecated.
  input: []const u8 = "deprecated"
  /// The total number of confirmations
  confirmations: usize


Internal transaction represented by a etherscan like client.


struct {
  /// The block number where the transaction was mined
  blockNumber: u64
  /// The time when the transaction was commited.
  timeStamp: u64
  /// The transaction hash
  hash: Hash
  /// The sender of this transaction
  from: Address
  /// The target address.
  to: ?Address
  /// The value sent.
  value: u256
  /// The contract address in case it exists.
  contractAddress: ?Address
  /// The transaction data.
  input: ?[]u8
  /// The transaction type.
  type: enum { call }
  /// The gas limit of the transaction
  gas: u64
  /// The gas used by the transaction.
  gasUsed: u64
  /// If the transaction failed. Use `@bitCast` to convert to `bool`.
  isError: u1
  /// The status of the receipt. Use `@bitCast` to convert to `bool`.
  traceId: []const u8
  /// The error code in case it exists.
  errCode: ?i64


Transaction represented by a etherscan like client.


struct {
  /// The block number where the transaction was mined
  blockNumber: u64
  /// The time when the transaction was commited.
  timeStamp: u64
  /// The transaction hash
  hash: Hash
  /// The transaction nonce
  nonce: u64
  /// The block hash
  blockHash: Hash
  /// Index of the transaction in the memory pool
  transactionIndex: usize
  /// The sender of this transaction
  from: Address
  /// The target address.
  to: ?Address
  /// The value sent.
  value: u256
  /// The gas limit of the transaction
  gas: u64
  /// The gas price of the transaction.
  gasPrice: u64
  /// If the transaction failed. Use `@bitCast` to convert to `bool`.
  isError: u1
  /// The status of the receipt. Use `@bitCast` to convert to `bool`.
  txreceipt_status: u1
  /// The transaction data.
  input: ?[]u8
  /// The gas used by the transaction.
  gasUsed: u64
  /// The number of confirmations.
  confirmations: u64
  /// The methodId of the contract if it interacted with any.
  methodId: ?[]u8
  /// The contract method name if the transaction interacted with one.
  functionName: ?[]const u8
  /// The contract address in case it exists.
  contractAddress: ?Address = null



struct {
  /// The contract's source code.
  SourceCode: []const u8
  /// The contract's ABI.
  ABI: Abi
  /// The contract name.
  ContractName: []const u8
  /// The compiler version that was used.
  CompilerVersion: SemanticVersion
  /// The number of optimizations used.
  OptimizationUsed: usize
  /// The amount of runs of optimizations.
  Runs: usize
  /// The constructor arguments if any were used.
  ConstructorArguments: ?[]const u8
  /// The EVM version used.
  EVMVersion: enum { Default }
  /// The library used if any.
  Library: ?[]const u8
  /// The license type used by the contract.
  LicenseType: []const u8
  /// If it's a proxy contract or not. Can be `@bitCast` to bool
  Proxy: u1
  /// The implementation if it exists.
  Implementation: ?[]const u8
  /// The bzzr swarm source.
  SwarmSource: Uri



struct {
  /// The target address.
  address: Address
  /// The target contract address.
  contractaddress: Address
  /// The start block from where you want to grab the list.
  startblock: usize
  /// The end block from where you want to grab the list.
  endblock: BlockTag



struct {
  /// The target address.
  address: Address
  /// The target contract address.
  contractaddress: Address
  /// The start block from where you want to grab the list.
  startblock: usize
  /// The end block from where you want to grab the list.
  endblock: usize



struct {
  /// The target address.
  address: Address
  /// The start block from where you want to grab the list.
  startblock: usize
  /// The end block from where you want to grab the list.
  endblock: usize



struct {
  /// The target addresses.
  address: []const Address
  /// The block tag to use.
  tag: BlockTag



struct {
  /// The target address.
  address: Address
  /// The block tag to use.
  tag: BlockTag



struct {
  /// The start block number range.
  startblock: u64
  /// The end block number range.
  endblock: u64



struct {
  /// The contract address
  contractAddress: Address
  /// The contract creator
  contractCreator: Address
  /// The creation transaction hash
  txHash: Hash



struct {
  /// If the transaction reverted.
  isError: ?u1
  /// The error message in case it reverted.
  errDescription: ?[]const u8



struct {
  /// The receipt status
  status: ?u1


The block reward endpoint response.


struct {
  /// The block number of the reward.
  blockNumber: u64
  /// The timestamp of the reward.
  timeStamp: u64
  /// The block miner.
  blockMiner: Address
  /// The reward value.
  blockReward: u256
  /// The uncles block rewards.
  uncles: []const BlockRewards
  /// The reward value included in uncle blocks.
  uncleInclusionReward: u256


getLogs request via a block explorer.


struct {
  /// The address where you want to grab the logs.
  address: Address
  /// The start block range where you want search from.
  fromBlock: u64
  /// The en block range where you want search to.
  toBlock: u64


Zig struct representation of the log explorer response.


struct {
  /// The contract address
  address: Address
  /// The emitted log topics from the contract call.
  topics: []const ?Hash
  /// The data sent via the log
  data: []u8
  /// The block number this log was emitted.
  blockNumber: ?u64
  /// The block hash where this log was emitted.
  blockHash: ?Hash
  /// The timestamp where this log was emitted.
  timeStamp: u64
  /// The gas price of the transaction this log was emitted in.
  gasPrice: u64
  /// The gas used by the transaction this log was emitted in.
  gasUsed: u64
  /// The log index.
  logIndex: ?usize
  /// The transaction hash that emitted this log.
  transactionHash: ?Hash
  /// The transaction index in the memory pool location.
  transactionIndex: ?usize



struct {
  /// The current block in the node.
  CurrentBlock: u64
  /// The target block.
  CountdownBlock: u64
  /// The number of blocks remaining between `CurrentBlock` and `CountdownBlock`.
  RemainingBlock: u64
  /// The seconds until `CountdownBlock` is reached.
  EstimateTimeInSec: f64



struct {
  /// Unix timestamp in seconds
  timestamp: u64
  /// The tag to choose for finding the closest block based on the timestamp.
  closest: enum { before, after }



struct {
  /// The target address.
  address: Address
  /// The target contract address.
  contractaddress: Address
  /// The block tag to use to query this information.
  tag: BlockTag



struct {
  /// The ETH-BTC price.
  ethbtc: f64
  /// The ETH-BTC price timestamp.
  ethbtc_timestamp: u64
  /// The ETH-USD price.
  ethusd: f64
  /// The ETH-USD price timestamp.
  ethusd_timestamp: u64



struct {
  /// The last block where the oracle recorded the information.
  LastBlock: u64
  /// Safe gas price to used to get transaciton mined.
  SafeGasPrice: u64
  /// Proposed gas price.
  ProposeGasPrice: u64
  /// Fast gas price.
  FastGasPrice: u64
  /// Suggest transacition base fee.
  suggestBaseFee: f64
  /// Gas used ratio.
  gasUsedRatio: []const f64