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Similar to std.json.Parsed(T)


pub fn Generated(comptime T: type) type



pub fn deinit(self: @This()) void


Controls some of the behaviour for the generator.

More options can be added in the future to alter further this behaviour.


struct {
  /// Control the size of the slice that you want to create.
  slice_size: ?usize = null
  /// If the provided type is consider a potential "string"
  /// Tell the generator to use only ascii letter bytes and
  /// if you want lower or uppercase chars
  ascii: struct {
        use_on_arrays_and_slices: bool = false,
        format_bytes: enum { lowercase, uppercase } = .lowercase,
    } = .{}
  /// Tell the generator to use the types default values.
  use_default_values: bool = false


Generate pseudo random data for the provided type. Creates an arena for all allocations. Similarly to how std.json works.

This works on most zig types with a few expections of course.


pub fn generateRandomData(comptime T: type, allocator: Allocator, seed: u64, opts: GenerateOptions) Allocator.Error!Generated(T)


Generate pseudo random data for provided type. Nothing is freed from the result so it's best to use something like an arena allocator or similar to free the memory all at once.

This is done because we might have types where there will be deeply nested allocatations that can be cumbersome to free.

This works on most zig types with a few expections of course.


pub fn generateRandomDataLeaky(comptime T: type, allocator: Allocator, seed: u64, opts: GenerateOptions) Allocator.Error!T